Our services

Comprehensive AI solutions encompassing chat bot development, specialised consultancy, and advanced data analysis for trans-formative business enhancement.

AI Chatbots

Content Generation Systems

AI Enhanced Operations

  • Workout plan generator

  • Website copy generator

  • Personalised outreach message generator

  • Blog / SEO Generator

  • Prospecting Chatbots

  • Onboarding Chatbots

  • Customer Service Chatbots

  • Staff Training Chatbots

  • Data Analysis / Insights Chatbots

  • Unstructured data parsing & Formatting

  • Inbound classification

  • Lead vetting

  • Personalised outreach System

people doing office works
people doing office works

Example: Staff Training

Example: Personal Plans

Example: CV Assessment


  • Reduce # of hours required to onboard hires

  • Standardise training across the business


  • Add all training docs to knowledge base

  • Deploy Chatbot to website / Whatsapp


  • Reduce time spent creating personal plans


  • Collect human written plans

  • Prep data

  • Ingest Knowledge base + test outputs

  • Deploy to web, Slack, etc.


  • Reduce HR hours spent on CV vetting


  • Setup application form

  • Pull applications from sheets with Zapier

  • ChatGPT action prompt to output grade

  • Add successful applicants to new sheet

Technology we use: